2015 was a crazy year for me with managing school, work, and play. I felt very spread thin towards the end of the year and surprise, surprise, I got sick. I don't expect 2016 to be any less busy, but I'd like it to be less crazy. I've realized that I've not done a lot of personal photography in a long time. My passion has become more functional as I become more professional--a means of making income, which is great but I also need to stay inspired and have fun.
So this year I'm working on more spaciousness in my life. I'm getting rid of stuff I own that doesn't bring me joy (read: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up). I've been getting out of the confines of urban structures and into nature more.
When possible I take a dog or two and a friend with me to play outdoors. Tin Tin (l) and Electra (r) from the SF SPCA!
I'm saying no to things that don't bring me joy (like online dating). I'm guarding my downtime/free and unstructured time so I can take things at my pace vs rushing to and from various commitments. I'm picking up my camera more often to do photography that feeds my creative well (read: The Artist's Way). In particular, I plan on doing more food photography since it brings me pleasure and it's an area I want to start focusing on for my career. So the food play, food photography, nourishes me in many ways. The featured photo, for example, was my breakfast :) I've also started to play with some video....
Here's to a delicious 2016!